David & Anna Newell Sunday Morning 8:00 AM Small Group
David and Anna will be leading a Sunday morning Bible Study Small Group starting January 5th. The Group will meet at the current church locationContinue reading
Prayer Requests Here
We want to pray for you! Please email your prayer needs. These will remain confidential unless you allow us to send out your prayer needContinue reading
The Danger Of A Single Story – Pastor Bob
I am reminded daily as a follower of Christ that if I choose to be narrow minded, intentionally tunnel vision impaired, that I would neverContinue reading
Tri-State District eNEWS
The Tri-State District of The Wesleyan Church represents 36 churches in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. We exist to equip and empower churches for relevant ministryContinue reading
RCC Small Groups
Coming Soon! RCC will be announcing our RCC Small Groups available for you to join. Our Small Groups are based on semesters normally lasting 6-12Continue reading
Real Purpose With Pastor Bob Podcast
Click on the above photo to go to my posdast. Welcome to Real Purpose weekly podcast hosted by Podbean.com. I am an ordained minister ofContinue reading